Here is few simple SQL date formatting examples that can be useful while displaying dates in different formats.There are a number of formatting techniques available for dates and timestamps.
1. DD:MONTH:YYYY HH24:MI:SS format
SQL> select distinct to_char(sysdate,'DD:MONTH:YYYY hh12:MI:ss') TIME_NOW from tab; TIME_NOW 28:OCTOBER :2008 04:37:12
2. Year in strings
SQ> select distinct to_char(sysdate,'DD-MONTH-YEAR hh12:mm:ss') today from tab; TODAY 28-OCTOBER -TWO THOUSAND EIGHT 04:10:40
3. Day and date as string
SQL> select distinct to_char(sysdate,'DAY DD--MONTH--YEAR hh12:mm:ss') today from tab; TODAY TUESDAY 28--OCTOBER --TWO THOUSAND EIGHT 04:10:09
Related articles on oracle DATE , TIMESTAMP etc
- Oracle PL/SQL: To_Timestamp Function | Datetime Format Models
- Oracle DATE vs TIMESTAMP |Comparing Oracle DATE and TIMESTAMP Datatypes
- Oracle to_char function and usage
- Using oracle date format |Using the DATE Format Mask in pl/sql
- Oracle comparing dates : dates, oracle, date comparison in oracle pl/sql
- PL/SQL EXTRACT function for oracle datetime
- oracle to_date | Oracle/PLSQL: To_Date Function
- oracle date difference | date difference in sql and PL/SQL
- DATE Data type in Oracle|Oracle Dates and Times|Dates in Oracle
- Oracle Max(Date) function usage-SQL max date
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