How to compare dates in oracle?There are a number of ways you can compare two dates in oracle to check which is greater or which is small.This is particularly useful when we do operations based on certain date conditions.This is used along with to_date and other date functions.
The following example illustrates the date comparison in Oracle pl/sql.
SQL> SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; SQL> SQL> -- Created on 11/19/2008 by Globinch PLSQLTIPS SQL> declare -- Local variables here test_Date DATE; begin --- Initialize the test date a future date. test_Date := to_date('12/12/2008','DD/MM/YYYY'); if test_date>sysdate then dbms_output.put_line('The date :' || test_Date||': This is a future date!'); end if; ----Now subtract 60 days from the test date test_Date := test_Date - 60; if test_date<sysdate dbms_output.put_line('The date :' || test_Date||': This is a Past date!'); end if; --- Now make test date current date test_Date := sysdate; if test_date = sysdate then dbms_output.put_line('The date :' || test_Date||': Date is a today!'); end if; end; / The date :12-DEC-08: This is a future date! The date :13-OCT-08: This is a Past date! The date :19-NOV-08: Date is a today! PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>
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