Oracle PL/SQL:CREATE TABLE statement: create a table with primary key.
Oracle PL/SQL:CREATE TABLE statement: create a table with primary key.
Oracle PL/SQL:CREATE TABLE statement: create a table with primary key.
CREATE TABLE statement is used to create table objects in database.You can create tables with different column data types.It is possible to add CONSTRAINTS like primary key ,foreign key etc while creating the table or can be added after the table creation
The purpose of TO_DATE in Oracle pl/sql is to convert char of CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR2 data type to a value of DATE datatype.Or more generically the Oracle to_date function is used to change a test string (or variable) into an internal date format.
What is schema?
Schema is a collection of schema objects.Schema objects are nothing but a collection of logical structures of dataA schema is owned by a database user and has the same name as that user.
The data in oracle is stored logically in tablespaces and physically in datafiles.
Tablespaces collectively store all of the database’s data.
An overview of PL/SQL type characters,identifires,keywords,literals and usage of comments are explained here. Type CharactersLetters A-Z, a-zDigits 0-9Symbols ~ ! @ # $ % & * ( ) _ –… Read more »
PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) is Oracle’s proprietary server-based proceduralextension to the SQL database language.The PL/SQL and SQL languages are tightly integrated.PL/SQL supports all the SQL datatypes and the non-value… Read more »